- Brand: Ampex / Irish / Quantegy
- Type: 541
- Reel: 5" (13cm), 7" (18cm)
- Lengths Available: 900' (275m), 1800' (550m)
- Thickness: LP (1.0 mil)
- Tape Grade / Performance Level: 1-Standard
- Base Material: Polyester
- 2025 Advice: Good for Daily Use, Suitable for Music Recording, Good for 3-3/4 ips and 7-1/2ips
- Where Produced: USA
- Mfg Years: Early 1960s - Early 1970s
- Sale Condition: Refurbished - 90 day warranty
- Description:
The Ampex 556 is the “Slow Speed oxide” DP (Double Play) version of the 551, itself improved variation of the 341 classic brown oxide formulation produced from the early 1950s with the company’s Ferrosheen process, developed at the time to give the tape a smoother finish and better frequency response than competing tapes. Like many tapes of its time, it is classified as a “standard” tape and should be biased accordingly. The quality was very high for its time, with lower than average oxide shed. This tape was produced throughout the 1960s and early 1970s. Notes:
- This is a formula that has withstood the test of time. It is amazing to consider that you can make a high quality recordings on a 60 year old tape, but this is indeed possible.
- Tapes of this vintage have a tendency to shed oxide more than modern tapes, although we have found that tapes made by Ampex from this vintage are better than most. Keep in mind this is not a sign that this tape is degrading, it should be considered normal.
- As with any thin tape, extra care must be taken when handling as it can easily stretch or crumble under stress.
- We are undergoing research to determine what the real difference with the “Slow Speed Oxide” really was as it was promoted as being special formulated for 1-7/8 and 3-3/4ips speeds.
- Available Refurbished: Yes, you can buy refurbished reels of 556 in our store.